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The Warriner School

Inclusion Quality Mark

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) Flagship School Award for the second year running.  Only around 100 schools nationally achieve this status, and we are one of only two schools in Oxfordshire. This award recognises those unique schools who have held IQM Centre of Excellence status for at least 3 years; and played a strong leadership role in developing inclusion best practice across a network of schools.

Here are the IQM Flagship criteria we have met:

  • A school that has held Centre of Excellence for at least three years prior to attaining Flagship status for the first time. 
  • Agrees to produce an annual written update of progress against the identified project outline as the basis for the annual review. 
  • Be willing to be an active member of an IQM cluster group of COE and Flagship Schools.
  • Attendance at IQM Cluster meetings is a prerequisite to maintaining Flagship Status. 
  • Willing to engage in classroom level research activity that explores inclusive practice. 
  • Has, or is able to develop, the capacity to share and disseminate good inclusion practice across a broader cluster of schools.
  • Share practice/staff/visits/training. 
  • Committed to sustaining the IQM ethos through collaborative activities. 
  • Be willing and able to support other schools to become IQM schools or Centres of Excellence. 
  • Prepared to contribute to the overall development aims of IQM, supporting the need for expertise or trialling practice. 

 Please read our IQM report below.

Alex Greenhalgh, Deputy Head of School