Support For Learning
At The Warriner Sixth Form, we pride ourselves in our exemplary pastoral care. Each student is treated as an individual and thus is guided and supported according to their needs.
Each student will have a personal tutor who will be their first port of call for support and guidance through their studies. Students will be expected to attend daily Tutor Group sessions and undertake activities with the group as well as taking part in personalised academic mentoring throughout the year.
Tutors use the VESPA Mindset Programme to support students in developing systems and strategies that help every learner to become the best they can be.
All students have access to the Sixth Form Study Centre which comprises a silent study space and library-style Study Centre. The Study Centre offers WI-FI and materials to support the students in their learning. Students also have access to kitchen facilities.
We offer outstanding provision for all students with Special Educational Needs. The focus of provision for our Sixth Form students is on preparing them for the world beyond school whilst still providing all the support needed to ensure that students are successful. Specific provision is dependent upon each student’s needs. Further details of SEND provision can be found in the SEND Policy.