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The Warriner School

Useful Links for Teachers, Students and Families


Explore your choices A helpful website from the National Careers Service

National Careers Service  Government website for careers advice

Start A comprehensive site for exploring subjects, courses, jobs, market information

BBC Bitesize Careers  A range of articles and useful advice

Careerpilot A wide range of online tools and information about careers

BBC Bitesize Insights Quiz 30 questions to highlight your abilities 


Apprenticeships Government site about apprenticeships

Amazing Apprenticeships Information about apprenticeships

Find an Apprenticeship Government website with apprenticeship search facility 

Institute for Apprenticeships Find out what you can do an apprenticeship in 


UCAS University applications and information

UCAS Job Explorer Detailed profiles of hundreds of jobs

Prospects A comprehensive site for higher education and post graduate careers

Moneysaving Expert Valuable resource for information about student finance

NotGoingToUni Explore options outside the traditional university route

Open Learn Free courses from the Open University


OXME Site for young people, including topics on work, training, health, rights

OCVA Local community and voluntary action hub

Industry Sectors

GoConstruct Information about careers in construction

NHS Careers in healthcare including quiz to find best fit job for you

Thames Valley Police Careers in the police

The Civil Service Information about working for the Civil Service

Discover Creative Careers All about creative jobs and industries

Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information Information and intelligence about the UK labour market